
Other Name: Marus
Religion: Jewish

Archaeological Evidences:

Period: Late Roman and/or Byzantine
Excavation: Excavated
Excavators: Zvi Ilan and Emanuel Damati (1983-1989)
Main Finds: Benches and columns, amulet, coin hoard, mosaic fragments with figurative designs.
Inscriptions: Hebrew and Aramaic (Ilan 1995: 264, 270-272, 278-280, CIIP V/1: 184-193).
Mosaics: Yes
Site Condition: Military zone.
General view looking west - Gilead Peli all rights reserved

Geographic Details

Geographical Region: Upper Galilee
Unnamed Road, ישראל

Selected Bibliography:

Selected Bibliography
  1. Price, J. J. and Yardeni, A. "Meroth" in Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae. ed. W. Ameling et. al., V/Part 1: Galilaea and Northern Regions, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2023: 184-193.
  2. Sandhaus, D. "Selected Pottery from the Synagogue at Ḥorbat Merot" 109, Atiqot, 2022: 83-115.
  3. Bijovsky, G. "The Coins from the Synagogue at Ḥorbat Merot, Upper Galilee" 109, Atiqot, 2022: 117-155.
  4. Damati, E. "The Synagogue at Ḥorbat Merot: Its Construction Phases and a New Interpretation of the Finds" 109, Atiqot, 2022: 89-139, (Hebrew).
  5. Damati, E. "The Synagogue and Bet Midrash of Ancient Merot" in Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 11-19.
  6. Ilan, Z. and Damati, I. "The Synagogue and Beth-Midrash at Ancient Meroth" Qadmoniot: A Journal for the Antiquities of Eretz-Israel and Bible Lands 20, 1987: 87-96, (Hebrew).
  7. Ilan, Z. and Damati, E. "Excavation of the Synagogue at Meroth" Qadmoniot: A Journal for the Antiquities of Eretz-Israel and Bible Lands 18, 1985: 44-50, (Hebrew).
  8. Ilan, Z. "The Synagogue and Study House at Meroth" in Ancient Synagogues-Historical Analysis and Archaeological Discovery. ed. Dan Urman and Paul V.M Flesher, 1, Leiden- New York-Koln, 1995: 256-288.
  9. Mucznik, S. and Ovadiah, A. "The Meroth Mosaic Reconsidered" in Journal of Jewish Studies. 47,2, 1996: 286-293.
  10. Tsafrir, Y. "The Synagogues at Capernaum and Meroth and the Dating of the Galilean Synagogue" in The Roman and Byzantine Near East; Vol. 2: Some Recent Archaeological Research. ed. J.H. Humphrey, Journal of Roman Archeology suppl. series no.14, Ann Arbor; Michigan, 1995: 151-161.



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