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Bert Bornblum
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Note of the Academic Committee
Bert Bornblum
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Other Name:
Dabbura, Ḥorvat Dvora
Archaeological Evidences:
Late Roman and/or Byzantine
Selected Surveyors:
Shmarya Gutman (1968), Dan Urman (1968-1970), Zvi Maoz (1981)
Main Finds:
Inscriptions from Jewish public building, Architectural elements including fauna.
Hebrew (Urman: 1995: 432-433), Aramaic (Urman 1995: 430-432), Greek (Urman 1995: 430)
Site Condition:
Open to public, inside nature reserve, free entrance. Most of the architectural fragments and inscriptions are in the Golan Archaeological Museum in Qasrin
Maoz 1995: plate 129 fig. 3, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Geographic Details
Geographical Region:
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Selected Bibliography:
Selected Bibliography
Maoz, Z.U.
Ancient Synagogues in the Golan; Art and Architecture. Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
. Jerusalem, 1995: 165-173, (Hebrew).
Urman, D. "Public Structures and Jewish Community in the Golan Hights" in
Ancient Synagogues: Historical Analysis and Archaeological Discovery
. ed. D. Urman and P.V.M. Flesher, Vol. 2, Leiden, 1995: 427-433.
Meir, D. and Meir, E.
Ancient Synagogues of the Golan
. Jerusalem, 2015: 132-141.
Lintel with Eagles- Disappeared many years ago | Dan Urman Archive.
Lintel with Aramaic inscription now in Golan Archaeological Museum, Dan Urman archive
dabura-26 | Aramaic and greek inscription IAA survey (see link below) map 15 site 39 fig. 26, courtesy of Moshe Hartal and the Israel Antiquities Authority
Aramaic inscription IAA survey (see link below) map 15 site 39 fig. 27, courtesy of Moshe Hartal and the Israel Antiquities Authority
Architectural fragment IAA survey (see link below) map 15 site 39 fig. 29, courtesy of Moshe Hartal and the Israel Antiquities Authority
Maoz 1995 plate 130 fig. 1, courtesy of Zvi Maoz drawing of Sarah Halbreich
A Robbery Pit at the Southern Part of the Syrian Village where the Synagogue Stood- Broken Pedestal and Other Items | Maoz 1995: plate 129 fig. 1, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Lintel with Eagle Relief | Maoz 1995: plate 129 fig. 2, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Lintel with the Aramaic Inscription -Eliezer Bar-Kapara | Maoz 1995: plate 129 fig. 3, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Half Lintel with Fishes and Eagle | Maoz 1995: plate 130 fig. 1, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Lintel Fragment with Hebrew Inscription | Maoz 1995: plate 130 fig. 2, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Lintel with Medallion | Maoz 1995: plate 130 fig. 3, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Lintel with Snake-Eagle and Snakes | Maoz 1995: plate 130 fig. 4, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Lintel with Snake-Eagle and Snakes | Maoz 1995: plate 130 fig. 4, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Lintel Fragments with Inscriptions | Maoz 1995: plate 131 fig. 1, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
The Lintel's Croner Fragment | Maoz 1995: plate 131 fig. 2, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Doorpost Stone with Meander Relief | Maoz 1995: plate 131 fig. 3, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Doorpost Stone with Circular Ornaments | Maoz 1995: plate 131 fig. 4, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Doorpost Fragment with Meander and Flutes | Maoz 1995: plate 131 fig. 5, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Two Birds on a Goblet- Relief | Maoz 1995: plate 132 fig. 1, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Branch Relief on a Building stone | Maoz 1995: plate 132 fig. 2, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Two Birds on a Goblet- Relief | Maoz 1995: plate 132 fig. 1, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Branch Relief on a Building stone | Maoz 1995: plate 132 fig. 2, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
A Building Stone with Bird Relief | Maoz 1995: plate 132 fig. 3, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Doorpost Stone with Fish Relief | Maoz 1995: plate 132 fig. 4, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
A Doorpost Stone with Human Relief | Maoz 1995: plate 132 fig. 5, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
A Doorpost Sone with Fishes Relief | Maoz 1995: plate 132 fig. 6, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
A Building Stone with Discus Ornament | Maoz 1995: plate 132 fig. 7, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Relief with Half Concave Rosette | Maoz 1995: plate 132 fig. 8, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
A Stone with Tabula Ansata Fragment | Maoz 1995: plate 133 fig. 1, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Doorpost Stone with Tree of Life Engraving | Maoz 1995: plate 133 fig. 2, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Stone with the Tree of Life Engraving | Maoz 1995: plate 133 fig. 3, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Engraved Stone | Maoz 1995: plate 133 fig. 4, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Doorpost Stone with the Tree of Life Engraving | Maoz 1995: plate 133 fig. 5, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Stone Fragment with Plant Decoration | Maoz 1995: plate 133 fig. 6, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Base or Capital of Engaged Pillar | Maoz 1995: plate 133 fig. 7, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Base or Capital of Engaged Pillar | Maoz 1995: plate 133 fig. 7, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Capital with Conical Echinus | Maoz 1995: plate 134 fig. 1-6, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Pedestal fragment | Maoz 1995: plate 134 fig. 7, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Doric Capital | Maoz 1995: plate 134 fig. 8, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Attic Base Fragment | Maoz 1995: plate 134 fig. 9, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Plans and Drawings:
Topographic Map and the Syrian Village's Plan | Maoz 1995: plate 128 fig. 1, courtesy of Zvi Maoz
Dabura - Israel Archaeological Survey
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