Gush Halav Lower

Other Name: Nahal Gush Halav
Religion: Jewish

Archaeological Evidences:

Period: Late Roman and/or Byzantine
Excavation: Excavated
Excavators: Eric Meyers, Carol Meyers and James Strange (1977-1978)
Main Finds: Lintel with eagle, hoard of coins
Inscriptions: Aramaic (Naveh 1978: 30-31, CIIP V/1: 170-171).
Site Condition: Open to public
General view, looking to north east - Gilead Peli all rights reserved

Geographic Details

Geographical Region: Upper Galilee
The old synagogue, Jish, Israel

Selected Bibliography:

Selected Bibliography
  1. Price, J. J. and Yardeni, A. "Gischala (Gush Ḥalav, Jish)" in Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae. ed. W. Ameling et. al., V/Part 1: Galilaea and Northern Regions, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2023: 170-171.
  2. Leibner, U. and Arubas, B. "Invisible Synagogues of the Second Temple Period" 180, 2022: 9-32, (Hebrew).
  3. Naveh, J. On Stone and Mosaic: the Aramaic and Hebrew Inscriptions from Ancient Synagogues. Tel Aviv, Israel Exploration Society, 1978: 30-31, (Hebrew).
  4. Kaswalder, P. "[On] Eric M. Meyers [et al.]; Excavations at the Ancient Synagogue of Gush Halav (1990)" Liber Annuus 43, 1994: 596-602.
  5. Meyers, E. M. , Meyers, C. L. and Hanson, R. S. "Preliminary Report on the 1977 and 1978 Seasons at Gush-Halav (El-Jish); Upper Galilee; Israel" BASOR 233, 1979: 33-58.
  6. Meyers, E.M. "Excavations at Gush Halav in Upper Galilee" in Ancient Synagogues Revealed. ed. L.I. Levine, Jerusalem, 1981: 75-77.
  7. Meyers, E. M. and Meyers, C. L. Excavations at the Ancient synagogue of Gush Halav. Vinona Lake; Indiana, 1990.
  8. Meyers, E. "Gush Halav" in The New Encyclopedia of Archeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Jerusalem, 1993: 546-549.
  9. Meyers, E. M. "Postscript to the Gush Halav Hoard" Atiqot 35, 1998: 107-108.
  10. Meyers, E. M. "The Dating of the Gush Halav Synagogue: A Response to Jodi Magness" in Judaism in Late Antiquity III; Where we Stand: issues and debates in Ancient Judaism. Vol. 4. The Special Problems of the Synagogue. ed. A.J. Avery-Peck and J. Neusner, Leiden, 2001: 49-70.


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