
Other Name: Zippori
Religion: Jewish

Archaeological Evidences:

Period: Late Roman and/or Byzantine
Excavation: Excavated
Excavators: Zeev Weiss and Ehud Netzer (1993-1994), Zeev Weiss (1996-1998)
Main Finds: Mosaic with menorah, zodiac, temple ritual and biblical scenes.
Inscriptions: Hebrew (Weiss 2005:199-202, CIIP V/1: 871-884, 890-891), Aramaic (Weiss 2005: 202-208, CIIP V/1: 873-875, 886-892), Greek (Weiss 2005: 209-216, CIIP V/1: 868-876, 880-886)
Mosaics: yes
Site Condition: National park entrance fee.
The Zodaic mosaic, Gilead Peli all rights reserved

Geographic Details

Geographical Region: Lower Galilee
שביל ישראל, ציפורי, ישראל

Selected Bibliography:

Selected Bibliography
  1. Price, J. J. and Yardeni, A. "Sepphoris (Diocaesarea, mod. Zippori)" in Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae. ed. W. Ameling et. al., V/Part 1: Galilaea and Northern Regions, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2023: 866-892.
  2. Weiss, Z. "The Sepphoris Synagogue and Its Mosaic" in Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 94-107.
  3. Maoz, Z.U. "The Synagogue at Sepphoris – a revised chronology" Journal of Jewish Studies 66,2, 2015: 288-294.
  4. Weiss, Z. "The Sepphoris Synagogue Mosaic and the Role of Talmud Literature in Its Iconographical Study" in From Dura to Sepphoris: Studies in Jewish Art and Society in Late Antiquity. ed. L. I. Levine and Z. Weiss, Supplement series No. 40, Portsmouth; Rhode Island, 2000: 19-30.
  5. Weiss, Z. The Sepphoris Synagogue: Deciphering an Ancient Message through Its Archaeological and Socio-Historic Contexts. Jerusalem, 2005.
  6. Weiss, Z. "Sepphoris" The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land Supplementary Volume. Supplementary Volume, 2008: 2033-2034.
  7. Yahalom, J. "The Sepphoris Synagogue Mosaic and its Story" in From Dura to Sepphoris: Studies in Jewish Art and Society in Late Antiquity. ed. L. I. Levine and Z. Weiss, Supplement series No. 40, Portsmouth; Rhode Island, 2000: 83-91.
  8. Kühnel, B. "The Synagogue Floor Mosaic in Sepphoris: Between Paganism and Christianity" in From Dura to Sepphoris: Studies in Jewish Art and Society in Late Antiquity. ed. L. I. Levine and Z. Weiss, Supplement series No. 40, Portsmouth; Rhode Island, 2000: 31-43.
  9. Miller, S.S. "On the Number of Synagogues in the Cities of Eretz Israel" 49, Journal of Jewish Studies, 1998: 51-66.
  10. Miller, S.S. "'Epigraphical' rabbis, Helios, and Psalm 19: Were the Synagogues of Archaeology and the Synagogues of the Sages One and the Same?" Jewish Quarterly Review 94:1, 2004: 27-76.


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