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איחוד תוצאות דומות
Kohn-Tavor, A. and Arubas, B. "The Synagogue at Korazim: New Insights and a Reassessment" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 34-39.
Leibner, U. "The Synagogue at Khirbet Wadi Ḥamam" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 66-77.
Ma'oz, Z. U. "The Synagogue at ʿEn Nashut" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 137-141.
Ma'oz, Z. U. "The Synagogue at Qaṣrin" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 142-147.
Magen, Y. "Samaritan Synagogues" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 181-202.
Magen, Y. , Tzionit, Y. and Sirkis, O. "The Synagogue at Qiryat Sefer" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 214-219.
Magen, Y. "Samaritan Synagogues" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 182-188.
Magen, Y. "Samaritan Synagogues" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 188-197.
Magen, Y. "Samaritan Synagogues" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 199-200.
Magen, Y. "Samaritan Synagogues" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 200.
Magness, J. , Kisilevitz, S. and Mizzi, D. "The Ḥuqoq Synagogue Excavations: Report on the 2011–2018 Seasons" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 48-65.
McCollough, C. T. "The Synagogue at Khirbet Qana" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 89-93.
Meyers, E. M. and Meyers, C. "The Nabratein Synagogue" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 20-27.
Meyers, E. M. and Meyers, C. "The Meiron Synagogue" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 28-33.
Misgav, H. and Abudraham, O. "Reḥov/Rooba (mod. Ḥ. Parwa, Farwana)" in
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae
. ed. W. Ameling et. al., V/Part 2: Galilaea and Northern Regions, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2023: 1962-1981.
Netzer, E. , Kalman, Y. and Laureys-Chachy, R. "A Hasmonean-Period Synagogue at Jericho" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 255-266.
O'Connell, S. "Two Phases of the Polychrome Plaster of the Ḥuqoq Synagogue" in
Pushing Sacred Boundaries in Early Judaism and the Ancient Mediterranean: Essays in Honor of Jodi Magness
. ed. D. Mizzi, T. Rassalle and M. J. Grey, Leiden, Brill, 2023: 621-646.
Onn, A. "The Synagogue at Kafr Miṣr" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 128-136.
Onn, A. and Weksler-Bdolah, S. "A Synagogue of the Second Temple Period at Khirbat Umm el-ʿUmdan" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 220-227.
Osband, M. , Arubas, B. and Ariel, S. "The Synagogue at Majduliyya" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 156-161.
Price, J. J. and Yardeni, A. "ʿAlma" in
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae
. ed. W. Ameling et. al., V/Part 1: Galilaea and Northern Regions, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2023: 146-149.
Price, J. J. and Yardeni, A. "Barʿam - CIIP" in
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae
. ed. W. Ameling et. al., V/Part 1: Galilaea and Northern Regions, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2023: 153-154.
Price, J. J. and Yardeni, A. "Barʿam" in
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae
. ed. W. Ameling et. al., V/Part 1: Galilaea and Northern Regions, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2023: 155-159.
Price, J. J. and Yardeni, A. "Thella (mod. Yesud Ha-Maʿala)" in
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae
. ed. W. Ameling et. al., V/Part 1: Galilaea and Northern Regions, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2023: 163.
Price, J. J. and Yardeni, A. "Gischala (Gush Ḥalav, Jish)" in
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae
. ed. W. Ameling et. al., V/Part 1: Galilaea and Northern Regions, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2023: 170-171.
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