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סגור את תיבת החיפוש
איחוד תוצאות דומות
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023.
Abudraham, O. and Price, J. J. "Chorsia (mod. Ḥ. Kursi)" in
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae
. ed. W. Ameling et. al., V/Part 1: Galilaea and Northern Regions, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2023: 675-676.
Abudraham, O. and Price, J. J. "Ḥammatha (Emmatha, Ḥammat Gader, el-Ḥamme)" in
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae
. ed. W. Ameling et. al., V/Part 2: Galilaea and Northern Regions, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2023: 1468-1478.
Ahipaz, N. and Leibner, U. "Floor Deposits in Ancient Synagogues: A Regional Practice in late Antique Palestine"
30: 2, Jewish Studies Quarterly, 2023: 138-160.
Amit, D. and Ilan, Z. "The Synagogue at Maʿon in Judea" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 236-246.
Amit, D. "The Synagogue at Ḥorvat ʿAnim" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 252-254.
Artzy, M. et al. "The Kursi Beach Synagogue and Inscription" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 173-180.
Aviam, M. "The Ancient Synagogues at Bar'am" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 3-10.
Aviam, M. et al. "A First–Second Century CE Synagogue on a Jewish Estate on Top of Tel Rekhesh" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 125-127.
Aviam, M. and Strange, J. R. "A Roman Period Synagogue at Shiḥin" in
Pushing Sacred Boundaries in Early Judaism and the Ancient Mediterranean: Essays in Honor of Jodi Magness
. ed. D. Mizzi, T. Rassalle and M. J. Grey, Leiden, Brill, 2023: 529-553.
Aviam, M. "The Ancient Synagogues at Bar'am" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 3-10.
Avshalom-Gorni, D. , Najar, A. and Talgam, R. "A Second Temple-Period Synagogue in the Northern Part of Magdala" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 78-88.
Ben David, C. and Zingboym, O. "The Synagogue at Deir ʿAziz" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 148-155.
Ben David, C. "Synagogues in Palaestina Secunda in the Fifth–Seventh Centuries CE: How Many Have Been Found and How Many Are Still Missing?" in
Pushing Sacred Boundaries in Early Judaism and the Ancient Mediterranean: Essays in Honor of Jodi Magness
. ed. D. Mizzi, T. Rassalle and M. J. Grey, Leiden, Brill, 2023: 554-580.
Britt, K. and Boustan, R. "Jerusalem in Galilee: Urban Architecture and Communal Belonging in a Mosaic from a Rural Synagogue" in
Pushing Sacred Boundaries in Early Judaism and the Ancient Mediterranean: Essays in Honor of Jodi Magness
. ed. D. Mizzi, T. Rassalle and M. J. Grey, Leiden, Brill, 2023: 581-620.
Britt, K. and Boustan, R. "War and Peace in the Elephant Mosaic from Huqoq: Synagogue Art, Classical Historiography, and Roman Imperial Monuments"
Mediterranean Studies
31 (2), 2023: 139–179.
Coussens, B. A. "Proximity to Purity: A Spatial Analysis of Late Second Temple Synagogues and Miqwaʾot" in
Pushing Sacred Boundaries in Early Judaism and the Ancient Mediterranean: Essays in Honor of Jodi Magness
. ed. D. Mizzi, T. Rassalle and M. J. Grey, Leiden, Brill, 2023: 457-489.
Damati, E. "The Synagogue and Bet Midrash of Ancient Merot" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 11-19.
Dar, S. "The Synagogue at Ḥorvat Sumaqa" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 118-124.
Dar, S. "The Synagogue at the Raqit Estate" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 203-208.
Dray, Y. , Gonen, I. and Ben David, C. "The Synagogue at Umm el-Qanatir" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 162-172.
Eck, W. "Qision (mod. Ḥ. Qazyon)" in
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae
. ed. W. Ameling et. al., V/Part 1: Galilaea and Northern Regions, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2023: 160-162.
Hamidović, D. "The New Archaeological Definition of the Earliest Synagogues in Judaea and Galilee Applied to the Site of Khirbet Qumran"
Religion in The Roman Empire (RRE)
9, 2023: 96-118.
Har-Even, B. "A Second Temple-Period Synagogue at Khirbet Diab in Western Benjamin" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 209-213.
Kloner, A. "The Synagogue at Ḥorvat Rimmon" in
Ancient Synagogues Revealed: 1981-2022
. ed. L. I. Levine, Z. Weiss, U. Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2023: 247-251.
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